Nov, 14 2013818 Views The Pioneer Settlement in Blountstown Florida presents their annual Old. Fashioned Christmas Celebration Sight, Sound, and Smells. Walk back in time. and experience a Christmas from long ago. Join your friends and neighbors at. the settlement on Saturday, December 7, 2013 starting at 5:00PM CST,. following the Blountstown Christmas parade. Assortment of food, hay-rides,. puppet shows, storytelling, marshmallow roast, Christmas carols. Stroll. through the decorated buildings and enjoy a Florida Christmas as your. ancestors once did. ENTRANCE DONATION: General Public $3.00, 6-12 $2.00, 5. and under free. Call 850-674-2777 for more information. Panhandle Pioneer Settlement(850) 674-2777Blountstown, FLCommunity Announcements
Nov, 14 2013897 Views The Panhandle Pioneer Settlement will host Santa Claus on Saturday, December 7,. 2013, starting at 7:00 am. Bring your kids and camera and take a photo. We will. also be serving a Pancake Breakfast that will fill you with Christmas cheer and. put you in the Holiday spirit. Pancake and Sausage Breakfast donation is: $5.00 -. Adults $3.00 - Kids.. Call (850) 674-2777, or email for more information. Panhandle Pioneer Settlement(850) 674-2777Blountstown, FLCommunity Announcements
Nov, 14 20131,030 Views Join us at the settlement's beautiful Clubhouse for a sewing class that will. feature 11 easy-to-do quick projects that will make great Christmas presents for. those special people on your list. The 11 projects will be in kits, already cut. out and ready to be put together. Should you want to more kits, they will be. available for purchase. You will receive 11 kits for $35.00, a $10.00 deposit is. required. The class will be held on Tuesday, December 3rd and Thursday, December. 5th, 2013 starting at 5:30 pm CST. Panhandle Pioneer Settlement(850) 674-2777Blountstown, FLEducation and Training
Nov, 07 20131,211 Views The Panhandle Pioneer Settlement will host their 15th Annual Sugar Cane Syrup Making Day on Saturday November 30th 2013 starting at 8:00 am CST. Biscuits and sausage available for donation. The settlement's General store will be OPEN and Guided Tours of the the Settlement will be available. Walk through time into the natural sugar cane field and watch how the cane juice is turned into delicious cane syrup. Syrup, and the Syrup Maker DVD will be for Sale! Panhandle Pioneer Settlement(850) 674-2777Blountstown, FLCommunity Announcements
Nov, 07 2013799 Views The settlement is having a Pancake and Sausage Breakfast on Saturday, November. 23, 2013. Serving starts at 7:00 am CST. There will be delicious local. made sausage and light and fluffy pancakes. There will also be coffee, milk,. and orange juice to drink. Come and enjoy this delightful breakfast at the. settlement's log building Clubhouse. Breakfast is $5.00 donation per adult (12. and older), $3.00 for children 5 to 11, children under 5 are free. When you've. filled up on this delicious breakfast, you can then mosey on over to the Frink. Gym and enjoy the Antique Tool Show and Sale (the tool show will have a $5.00. per person admission) that will give everyone a chance to see the... Panhandle Pioneer Settlement(850) 674-2777Blountstown, FLCommunity Announcements
Nov, 07 20131,300 Views On the Saturday, November 23, 2013 from 7:30 AM to Noon (CST) the 12th Annual. Antique Tool Show and Sale will be held. Exhibitors and vendors from all over. the southeast will showcase and sell all different kinds of tools from the. 18th to the 20thcenturies. There will be many woodworking items and you can. bring your own tools in for identification. Come enjoy seeing and learning. about an array of unusual tools. There is a $5 donation for Admission. There will also be a Pancake Breakfast in the settlement's Clubhouse starting. at 7:00 am CST. So you can come, have some delicious pancakes and sausage and. then mosey on over to the Frink Gym and enjoy all the antique tools. For.... Panhandle Pioneer Settlement(850) 674-2777Blountstown, FLCommunity Announcements